Circulation > Circulation Module Toolkit > Manual Refund Helper > Manual Refund Helper Properties

Manual Refund Helper Properties

The Manual Refund helper allows the following properties to be set.

Manual Refund Defaults

The following fields specify defaults to be used when manually issuing refunds.

Payment Type – Specifies the payment type to be used when a paid bill is manually refunded and a credit is added to the user’s credit account. The list of available payment types is defined in your library’s Payment Type policies. The default Payment Type for manual refunds is NONE, which means no payment type will be specified when the refund is added to the user’s credit account.
Credit Reason – Specifies the default credit reason to be used when a paid bill is manually refunded. A credit reason describes why the credit was issued to the user’s credit account. The list of available credit reasons is defined in your library’s Credit Reason policies.

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