Circulation > FAQs for the Circulation Module > FAQs: Barcode Validation Settings

FAQs: Barcode Validation Settings

Does SirsiDynix Symphony support searching by the significant digits of user and item IDs?

If custom Barcode Validation is configured on the system, and the default barcode prefix for user and item IDs is configured in the Barcode Validation Settings wizard, you can enter just the significant digits of the user and item IDs or barcodes.

Once you have defined the prefix for user and item IDs, the prefix will display in the User ID and Item ID fields in circulation wizards.

For example, if the prefix for user ID is set to 1888800 for the barcode 18888001431302, you may enter only the significant portion of the ID to retrieve the user 143130.

How do I define the prefix for user and item IDs?

The prefixes are defined in the Barcode Validation Settings wizard. The defined prefix must follow one of the barcode subformats specified in the Barcode Validation wizard.

Can I auto-generate user and item IDs using barcode validation routines?

Yes. If custom Barcode Validation is configured on the server, the barcode subformat for your library’s barcodes is defined in the Barcode Validation Settings wizard, and an autoids file for user and item IDs exists on the server, you can auto-generate IDs using validation routines. To implement this ability you will need to do the following.

Create a custom autoids file in the /Unicorn/Autoids directory on server. For more information, see FAQs: Customizing Auto-generated IDs.
Select the wizard properties that allow auto-generated IDs. For example, in the New User Registration wizard, select the Auto-generated User ID property on the Behavior tab in the wizard properties. Or, in the Add Title wizard, select the Auto-generate Item ID When Adding Item behavior property.

How do I know which barcode subformat to select for user and item IDs in the Barcode Validation settings wizard?

The Barcode Format drop-down list will display only those subformats that are included in the Barcode Validation policy for the system. If there are multiple subformats defined as valid for user and item IDs, it is up to the library to determine which subformat is used by their barcodes.

I have barcode validation configured but I don’t see the Barcode Validation Settings wizard. Why not?

Custom barcode validation must be configured for your system. If the system has been configured for Classic Barcode Configuration, you will not have access to the Barcode Validation Settings wizard.

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