Invoice Search
For detailed search invoice information and tips, see FAQs: Searching Invoices.
To search invoices
In addition to the standard catalog search indexes, such as author and title, the following search indexes are available, and results lists will be sorted by the selected index. |
Select the index you want to search from the Index list. For information on catalog searches, go to the Item Search topic.
If you select Invoice Control Number or Invoice ID as the search index, the Warnings options display below the search type options. You can select one or both check boxes to display warning messages about amount differences errors or quantity errors in invoice lines when an invoice is displayed. By default, the check boxes are selected or cleared according to how the Display Amount Warnings option and the Display Quantity Warnings option are set the wizard properties of the wizard you are currently using. |
You can type a specific invoice line number in the Invoice Line field to qualify the search, or select ALL to search all invoice lines. |
You can further qualify your searches as follows. |
Searching by Check Number – You can type a specific Vendor ID. |
Searching by Invoice ID – You can type a specific Vendor ID and/or select a specific Created Fiscal Cycle value. |
Searching by Order ID – You can select a specific Created in Fiscal Cycle value. |
Searching by Vendor ID– You can select a specific Created in Fiscal Cycle value. |
Searching by Vendor Name – You can select a specific Created in Fiscal Cycle value. |
Select a library name in the Library field to qualify the search. This field is required. When searching in wizards that permit modification of invoices, only acquisitions maintenance libraries are available for selection. When searching in wizards that simply display information, only acquisitions display libraries are available for selection. Default values for Maintenance Library and Display Library may be set in the Session Settings Wizard: Acquisitions and Selection Lists. |
Type any text and click Search. |
In the invoice search results, the Invoices Tab: Orders and Summary Tab: Invoices. The Summary tab displays amounts and quantities information for all invoices. All result lists include the Invoice ID, Vendor ID, Paid, and Amount. Click the Forward or Backward options to view all invoices in the list. |
After searching an invoice, you can click one of the following options.
If an individual invoice must be identified for the wizard action, you may select it and click the wizard action. For example, if using the Modify Invoice wizard, select an invoice in the table, and click Modify Invoice. |
If you searched the invoice using a catalog search, you may select the title and click Detailed Display to see more information about the title, then click the wizard action. |
If you want to search another invoice, type new search information, and click Search. |
Click Close to exit the wizard. |
If no text is typed when searching or browsing, and only the Invoice ID index is selected, all invoices in the specified library are retrieved.
If no text is typed when searching or browsing, and only the Order ID index is selected, all invoiced orders in the specified library are retrieved.
Acquisitions Display Libraries settings in the Library policies determine which libraries’ invoice records you can search. See FAQs: Understanding Display and Maintenance Libraries for more information.
Warning messages for invoice lines that did not pass amount or quantity validation display only if certain settings are selected in the Session Settings wizard. See FAQs: Searching Invoices for more information.
Search Types
The following types of searches can be used to search for invoices.
The Keyword option locates and displays invoice records that begin with the terms you typed in the search index you selected. In a search, implied truncation is used—SirsiDynix Symphony assumes any characters typed in the Search For field may match more than one invoice record. By typing one or more characters of the invoice ID, you may display a list of invoices. Note In the Invoice Search, several keyword search combinations are not available: keyword/call number, keyword/title control number, and keyword/item ID. Only the browse and exact search options are available with these search indexes.
The Browse option produces a list in the alphabetic vicinity of the term you typed from the browse index you selected, which may then be browsed forward or backward. When browsing, SirsiDynix Symphony uses implied right truncation. Notes In the Invoice Search, some browse search combinations are not available: browse/item ID and browsing by all order/invoice/vendor search qualifiers. Only the keyword and exact search options are available with these search indexes.
The Exact option displays a single record of the search index you selected. The Exact lookup is best for specific number or code searches. If the exact ID is not in the database, a message displays that the information was not found. For example, when searching by Invoice ID, if you search INV-25, the invoice with that exact invoice ID will appear; INV-26 will not appear.
The current invoice is set from the highlighted record in the invoice search hit list, typically the record most recently displayed or modified. When you select the current invoice line, the entire invoice will display, rather than a specific invoice line.
The Current option displays only if a record of the type you are searching has been displayed or modified during your workstation session.
The Current invoice will set the Current vendor.
The following types of warning messages can be configured to display when the selected search index is Invoice Control Number or Invoice ID, and one or more lines of the selected invoice does not pass validation.
The Amount option displays warning messages when the difference between the amount invoiced for an item and the discounted price of the item (from the orderline of the displayed invoice) exceeds the threshold set in the Session Settings wizard. The Warn When the Difference Between Invoice Amount and Order Amount Exceeds % and $ check box must be selected, and a percentage and/or monetary amount threshold must be specified in the Session Settings wizard to see amount warning messages. Note Invoice lines that use the ADJUST link type are not validated for amount differences. Refer to the Session Settings Wizard: Acquisitions topic for more information.
The Quantity option displays warning messages when the total quantity invoiced is greater than the quantity received on the orderline of the displayed invoice. The Warn When the Invoice Quantity Exceeds the Received Quantity check box must be selected in the Session Settings wizard to see quantity warning messages.
By default, the Amount and Quantity check boxes are selected according to how the Display Amount Warnings option and Display Quantity Warnings option are selected in the wizard properties of the wizard in which you are using the Invoice Search step. For example, if the Display Amount Warnings option is selected in the Display Invoice wizard properties, the Amount check box under Warnings will be selected in the Invoice Search step when you start the Display Invoice wizard. When the Invoice Search step displays, you can accept the default settings of the Amount and Quantity check boxes, or you can change the settings.
The Warnings options display in the Invoice Search step of the following wizards when you select Invoice Control Number or Invoice ID as the search index.
Add Invoice Lines wizard |
Reverse Payment of Invoice wizard |
Related topics
Invoices Tab: Orders
Summary Tab: Orders
FAQs: Searching Invoices
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