Acquisitions > Acquisitions Module Toolkit > Fund Information Tab

Fund Information Tab

The Fund Information tab may contain the following information about a fund.

Any changes made to values in this tab will apply to all fund cycles associated with the modified fund.

From the Fund Information tab, you may have the option to proceed with the wizard function, return to the fund list, look up another fund, or exit the wizard.

The following fields are defined for the Fund Information tab.

Fund ID or New ID

Each master fund record must be assigned a unique identifier. You may modify the master fund record’s unique ID using this field. The fund ID is basically a short fund name. The maximum length for this field is 20 characters.

Note: Fund IDs must not contain spaces.

For example, in a fund system based on subject areas, ENGLISH and HISTORY might be fund IDs. If it were necessary to keep separate figures for monographs and serials, ENGLISH-M and ENGLISH-S might be fund IDs for English monographs and English serials respectively. More complex fund IDs might be made of a combination of primary fund characteristics. A fund ID of BOOK-FED-AD-FIC might be for Adult Fiction Books bought with Federal funds. Physics monographs bought for the Science Department might have an ID of M-SC-PHY. A fund ID might be a checking account number or other numeric string such as 1001-28-657.

When creating a fund, you can assign an auto-generated Fund ID by selecting AUTO from the list.

When displaying funds, the fund ID uniquely identifies a single master fund record. If you type a fund ID and all other fields are blank, the workstation displays the master fund information for the fund ID you entered. If you leave this field blank, the workstation lists all master fund records in the database.

When placing orders, the Fund ID in each funding segment field identifies the fund from which costs are to be encumbered and paid. For Single Fundings, the required fund ID is assigned to all items. You may modify this field as necessary. For Multiple Fundings, the fund ID field contains the word “Multiple,” not a real fund ID. You may then enter specific fund IDs in subordinate segments added below the Multiple line.

When invoicing, if an invoice line is linked to an order, this field shows what fund ID is used by the funding. If the line is linked directly to a fund, this field shows the fund ID assigned to the cost of this invoice line. This directly links the invoice to the fund. When an invoice is created, if you do not want to link the invoice link to the fund at the time of creation, you should erase the fund ID.


The fund name is a description of the fund ID.

For example, the fund ID M-PHY could be defined in the name field as Physics Monographs. A more complex ID such as BOOK-FED-AD-FIC might be named Adult-Fiction-Books-Federal. An ID such as M-SC-PHY might have the name Physics Monographs, Science Department.


This field identifies a particular funding period. The funding period can be set up in quarters, calendar years, or fiscal years.

A fiscal cycle is typically associated with every order, vendor cycle, or fund cycle. The number of fiscal cycles that an order, vendor, or fund has been used in SirsiDynix Symphony is sometimes displayed in a Cycle or Cycles field. The year may be indicated with the labels: Fiscal or Cycle.

When searching orders, the fiscal cycle field defaults to the session setting for fiscal cycle. You can override the default by entering another valid fiscal cycle. If you select ALL from the when you look up orders, you need to type specific order ID to display orders across cycles. All lines will be available for display, regardless of any value entered in the Order Line field.

If you are adding or modifying a fiscal cycle, you may use the Display Fiscal Cycle gadget to select a valid cycle.

For example, you can create fiscal cycles such as these: 12000, 22000, 32000, 42000, 2000, 20001 (for 2000-2001).

Note: When defining fiscal cycles for vendors and funds, it is possible to use two digits to represent a year, such as 99 for 1999 or 00 for 2000. However, a fiscal cycle naming scheme of 00 to represent the year 2000 displays as a single zero in the Fiscal Cycle fields. To a computer, the number 00 is treated the same as the number 0. The extra zero is considered superfluous and is not stored. Any two-digit number starting with a zero will be created the same way; for instance, the fiscal cycle 01 would be stored and displayed as 1. Storing the fiscal cycle as a single zero does not affect data retrieval, but the display inconsistency can be confusing to library staff. For this reason, it is recommended that two-digit numbers starting with zero should not be used for fiscal cycle names. Instead, the full four-digit year should be used, such as 2000. For sites which name fiscal cycles to span years, names such as 20001 are recommended to represent years such as 2000-2001.

Account Number

The account number is an alternative fund identification. Many libraries divide their funds numerically. Non-numeric characters may also be used in this field.

Fund Levels (Levels 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6)

Each fund level may contain a policy name used for grouping and totaling funds. There can be any number of policy names defined by the SirsiDynix Symphony administrator in policies for each of the six levels. Any six names may be used in a single master fund record; fund levels may or may not be hierarchical. If they are hierarchical, Fund Level 1 could be either the broadest or most specific fund characteristic.

For example, one of the fund levels might describe major fund categories such as GENERAL, LIBRARY, and MISC. Another level might define a subordinate level in the funding hierarchy, such as college. These might be defined as BUSINESS, EDUCATION, LIBARTS, FINEARTS, SCIENCE, and LIBRARY.

The next level could be used as the next hierarchical subdivision like academic department. These might be defined as MANAGEMENT, ACCOUNTING, PRIMARY_ED, SPECIAL_ED, ENGLISH, MODLANG, HISTORY, THEATER, ART, MUSIC, MATH, PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, BIOLOGY, PREMED, POLISCI, SOCIALSCI.

Yet another level might depart from the hierarchical structure to define funds by material format, such as MONOGRAPH, SERIAL, AV, EQUIPMENT, SERVICES, or SUPPLIES. Each of the levels may be selected from a drop-down list.

Use the Set Options for Fund Search Helper to restrict a search to a specific fund level. Fund Level is a separate search option some fund wizards. To display information about fund levels, select the Levels option in the Display Fund (All Cycles) wizard properties. Default fund level values may be set in wizard properties.

Created By

This field contains the user access of the user who created or duplicated the fund record. This field is automatically populated when the fund record is created.

Date Created

This field contains the date the fund record was created. This field is automatically populated when a fund record is created.

Last Modified By

The user access of the user who last modified the fund record displays in this field.

Date Modified

This field contains the date the fund record was last modified. This information is automatically updated by the system. NEVER is the value for fund records not modified since creation.


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