FAQs: Linking Orders and Titles
How do I link titles to orders?
Before linking an existing order record to a title in the catalog, check to see if the order record has been linked already. Display or edit the orderline and determine if it is linked to a title. If it is not, or if it is the incorrect title, use the Item Search and Display wizard to find the title you want to link to.
If no catalog record currently exists for an ordered item, and you now want to add a bibliographic description for a particular line, you can use one of the following methods to add the title to the catalog.
Use either the Add Title or Add Brief Title wizard to create the title record directly in SirsiDynix Symphony. |
Use the SmartPort wizard to capture catalog records from a Z39.50 catalog source. |
Use the MarcImport Utility wizard and the Load Bibliographic Records report to load bibliographic records downloaded from another catalog source. |
Once the title is in the catalog, you can use the Change Title Link Helper: Acquisitions to link the title to the order.
If the Vendor Information Port helper is available, you may use it to create a brief title record and an order for the title. See Vendor Information Port (VIP) Helper for more information.
To link the title to the order
Display the title with the Item Search and Display wizard and click the Call Number/Item tab to identify the call number/item you want to link the order to. |
In the Modify Order wizard, use the Order Search to identify the order for linking. |
Select the order from the Order list and click Modify Order. |
On the Orderlines tab, select the orderline for linking, and click the Modify Orderline tool. |
Click the Title tab, then click the Change Title Link helper. |
The Call Number field displays the current call number link, or possibly no link at all. You may type a call number from any title. |
Or, in the Item ID field, you may type or select an item ID. Use the Item Search gadget to select an item ID, and the order link will be modified to the new call number. |
Note: On a title link with multiple volumes, you must click the Call Number/Item tab in the view pane, select an item in the call number/item tree, then click OK.
Click OK. The orderline is linked to the title, which now displays an ON ORDER message in the catalog. When the Orders tab is displayed in the Item Search and Display wizard, this order will display and the order record now displays the appropriate acquisitions fields from the bibliographic description. |
How do I remove the order-title link?
If the order record is linked to a title in the catalog but should not have a title link, you can remove the connection between the title and the linked order line, using the Break Title Link Helper.
To break a title link
In the Modify Order wizard, use the Order Search to identify the order. |
Select the order from the Order list and click Modify Order. |
On the Orderlines tab, select the orderline you want to break the link to, and click the Modify Orderline tool. |
Click the Title tab, then click the Break Title Link helper. |
Click OK. A dialog box displays the message that the title link was broken successfully. |
If you broke a title link in error, click Cancel, and your orderline changes will not be saved. The title will remain linked to the orderline. |
To re-link a title, use the Change Title Link Helper: Acquisitions.
How do I change the order-title link?
If the order record is linked to a title in the catalog, but not the correct title, you can change the title link.
Display the title with the Item Search and Display wizard and click the Call Number/Item tab to identify the call Number/item you want to link the order to. |
In the Modify Order wizard, use the Order Search to identify the order for which you want to change the title link. |
Select the order from the Order list and click Modify Order. |
On the Orderlines tab, select the orderline for linking, and click the Modify Orderline tool. |
Click the Title tab, then click the Change Title Link helper. |
The Call Number field displays the current call number link. Type the call number for the new title. |
Or, in the Item ID field, you may type or select an item ID. Use the Item Search gadget to select an item ID, and the order link will be modified to the new call number. |
Note: On a title link with multiple volumes, you must click the Call Number/Item tab in the view pane, select an item in the Call number/item tree, then click OK.
Click OK. The link between the orderline and previous title is broken. The orderline is now linked to the new title, which displays an ON ORDER message in the catalog. When the Orders tab is displayed in the Item Search and Display wizard, this order will display and the order record now displays the appropriate acquisitions fields from the bibliographic description. |
Related topics
Break Title Link Helper
Change Title Link Helper: Acquisitions
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