Duplicate Course Wizard
Once a course record has been created, you can create additional, similar course records. The Duplicate Course wizard is used to copy values from an existing course record to a new course record automatically, which is useful when creating course records for several sections of the same class. For example, if an institution has 20 sections of Freshman Composition, and each section has the same course information, except for the section number, using the Duplicate Course wizard to create the 20 course records would be faster than using the Create Course wizard to create each one.
Click the Duplicate Course wizard. |
Use the Course Search to identify the course you want to duplicate, or type the Course ID. |
In the New Course ID box, type a course ID for the new course record. |
Click Duplicate Course or press Enter. The information in the Basic Information and Extended Information tabs contain the same values as the original course record. |
Review the information in the Basic Information and Extended Information tabs, and make any needed changes. |
When you make changes, click Modify to set the changes to the course. |
After the course record is created, select one of the following options.
Modify to change the course record you just duplicated |
Return to List to return to the list of courses previously displayed |
Another to duplicate another course record |
Close to exit the wizard |
Related topics
Duplicate Course Wizard Properties
Course Records
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